Geo Desic Curve
Yüzey üzerine İstenilen noktalar arasına curve oluşturan script.
Option Explicit
Sub GeodesicUphillHiker()
Dim strSrf, Pt1, Pt2
Dim ptProject, uvClosest
Dim arrPts(), crvID, crvType
Dim numSamples, vecT
Dim strResult
strSrf = Rhino.GetObject("Select a surface to use...", 8, vbTrue)
If IsNull(strSrf) Then Exit Sub
Pt1 = Rhino.GetPointOnSurface (strSrf, "Pick a point on the surface to start hiking...")
If IsNull(Pt1) Then Exit Sub
Rhino.Prompt ""
Pt2 = Rhino.GetPointOnSurface (strSrf, "Pick a goalpoint on the surface...")
If IsNull(Pt2) Then Exit Sub
numSamples = Rhino.GetReal("Specify a stepsize to use...", _
Round(Rhino.Distance(Pt1, Pt2)/50, 1), _
Rhino.UnitAbsoluteTolerance, _
Round(Rhino.Distance(Pt1, Pt2)/5,1))
If IsNull(numSamples) Then Exit Sub
ReDim arrPts(0)
arrPts(0) = Pt1
ptProject = Pt1
vecT = Array(ptProject, Pt2)
If FastDistance(ptProject, Pt2) < numSamples Then
ReDim Preserve arrPts(UBound(arrPts)+1)
arrPts(UBound(arrPts)) = Pt2
Exit Do
vecT = ResizeVector(vecT, numSamples)
uvClosest = Rhino.SurfaceClosestPoint(strSrf, vecT(1))
ptProject = Rhino.EvaluateSurface(strSrf, uvClosest)
ReDim Preserve arrPts(UBound(arrPts)+1)
arrPts(UBound(arrPts)) = ptProject
Rhino.Prompt UBound(arrPts) & " samples solved..."
If FastDistance(arrPts(UBound(arrPts)), arrPts(UBound(arrPts)-1)) < Rhino.UnitAbsoluteTolerance/2 Then Exit Do
End If
Rhino.EnableRedraw False
crvID = Rhino.AddInterpCurve(arrPts)
Rhino.ObjectName crvID, "Geodesic (" & Round(Rhino.CurveLength(crvID),3) & ")"
Rhino.EnableRedraw True
Rhino.Print "Finished"
End Sub
Function FastDistance(Byval arrPt1, Byval arrPt2)
FastDistance = (arrPt1(0)-arrPt2(0)) * (arrPt1(0)-arrPt2(0)) + _
(arrPt1(1)-arrPt2(1)) * (arrPt1(1)-arrPt2(1)) + _
(arrPt1(2)-arrPt2(2)) * (arrPt1(2)-arrPt2(2))
FastDistance = Sqr(FastDistance)
End Function
´This function will resize an existing vector to fit a new length
Function ResizeVector(Byval vecIn, byval newLength)
Dim vecOut, d, i
vecOut = CopyVector(vecIn)
If IsVectorNull(vecIn) Then Exit Function
d = VectorLength(vecIn)
For i = 0 to 2
vecOut(1)(i) = vecIn(0)(i) + (vecIn(1)(i)-vecIn(0)(i))/d*newLength
ResizeVector = vecOut
End Function
´This function will copy an existing vector
Function CopyVector(Byval vecIn)
Dim vecOut
vecOut = Array(vecIn(0), vecIn(1))
CopyVector = vecOut
End Function
´This function will check if a vector has no length
Function IsVectorNull(Byval vecIn)
If (vecIn(0)(0) = vecIn(1)(0)) And _
(vecIn(0)(1) = vecIn(1)(1)) And _
(vecIn(0)(2) = vecIn(1)(2)) Then
IsVectorNull = vbTrue
IsVectorNull = vbFalse
End If
End Function
´This Function will return the length of a vector
Function VectorLength(Byval vecIn)
VectorLength = Rhino.Distance(vecIn(0), vecIn(1))
End Function
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